Greetings, Geek & Sundry Readers!

The Lightning and the Storm Thor Walter Simonson PodcastKRAKADOOM! Truly, we are thrilled and honored to have been interviewed by Geek & Sundry – the questions posed by Tom Pinchuk were worthy in the extreme, and we had a fantastic time talking Thor comics with him.

If you’re new to The Lightning and the Storm, you may have a few questions. Who are we? Where should you start listening? Is there really such a thing as Frog Thor?

Who we are:
We are Miles Stokes of Jay & Miles X-Plain the X-Men and Elisabeth Allie of GeekCraft Expo, and The Lightning and the Storm is our 13-episode love letter to Walter Simonson’s epic 1980s run of The Mighty Thor. Listen to our podcast for commentary, epic dramatizations of key scenes, and our picks for things like the Hel’s Haberdashery Award (best Asgardian headgear)!

Where you should start listening:
You can start with Episode 1: The Ballad of Beta Ray Bill, which covers the first four issues of Walter Simonson’s run. We also have a “zero issue” episode available to IndieGogo supporters of $5 or more, which features the two non-Walter Simonson fill-in issues that take place later in the run. It’s actually the first episode we ever recorded, so it’s a little looser (and has a different intro song) than our regular episodes. Like what you hear? We encourage you to subscribe on iTunes, Stitcher, Google Play, and elsewhere – and rate and review us so other folks can find us!

Is there really such a thing as Frog Thor?
Boy howdy, yes there is:

Frog Thor Walter SimonsonAnd we’ll be getting to that part of Walter Simonson’s run in just a couple of weeks!

Other places to find us
Feel free to join us on social media to talk about comics, Thor, or whatever else you’re into. We’re on Twitter at @thelightningand, on Facebook, and on Tumblr!

Thank you for visiting our site. This has been, and shall ever be: The Lightning and the Storm!