Episode 12: Asgardian Steel

BEHOLD: Thor #375-378! Hela calls down her dark vengeance! Thor forges armor most mighty! And as Asgard falls prey to dark magicks, who shall stand between the golden city and the fierce frost giants?

Episode 10: Once Upon a Time

BEHOLD: Thor #367-369! King Balder is slain – or is he? Thor visits a fairy-tale castle that is not what it seems… And wicked magicks cannot stand against brotherhood and valor!

Episode 7: The Executioner’s Last Stand

BEHOLD: Thor #360-362! The Einherjar charge into Hel to keep an oath long promised! Hela and Thor grapple for mortal souls – and Thor’s own! And on the Bridge of Gjallerbru… Skurge stands alone.

Episode 6: Aftermath (and Afterglow)

BEHOLD: Thor #355 & 357-359! Thor seeks solace in the icy wastes and finds unexpected hospitality! Lorelei makes her move… again! And on Midgard, Beta Ray Bill and the Lady Sif fight… communism?

Episode 5: Surtwar, Part II

BEHOLD: Thor #352-354! Heroes and demons clash across Midgard! Odin and his sons stand against the destruction of the Nine Worlds themselves! And amid sorrow and rage arrives Death herself!

Episode 4: Surtwar, Part I

BEHOLD: Thor #349-351! The brothers of Odin face Surtur of Muspellheim at the dawn of time! Asgard’s antagonists come to its aid! And in the streets of New York City, gods and mortals unite!